Top 5 ways to use the Hangover Queen Cold Compress Crown

Hello, friends! Today I’m going to tell you about the Hangover Queen Crown and how it can help with your headaches, sinus pressure, and more.


The hangover queen cold compress crown is a great way to treat your headache and hangover symptoms.

The hangover queen cold compress crown is a great way to treat your headache and hangover symptoms. It can be used wet in the shower, or frozen for an even more refreshing feeling. You can also use it as a pillow or hat if you want to feel like royalty while sleeping off your night of drinking!



If you have a migraine, the Hangover Queen may be able to help. Migraines are often caused by dehydration and the hangover queen cold compress crown can help with migraines by keeping your head cool and hydrated. If you’re prone to getting headaches after drinking too much alcohol or if your head feels like it’s going to explode at any moment, here’s what to do:

  • Drink lots of water! And then take some Tylenol (or whatever else works for your particular brand of hangover).
  • Put on this crown before bedtime so that when morning comes around again, you’ll feel refreshed instead of groggy from lack of sleep.

Sinus pressure

If you have a hangover and feel like your head is stuffed with cotton, there’s a good chance that your sinuses are inflamed. The Hangover Queen Crown is the perfect way to treat this common symptom of a hangover. Since it can be used as either a pillow or hat, it will help relieve pressure on the face while keeping warm air from getting into the nasal cavity (which would cause more inflammation).

To use this method: Place the crown over your forehead and then rest in any position that feels comfortable for sleeping–whether that means lying down or sitting up straight in bed with arms folded behind head (like when trying to get better at meditation).


You can use it as a pillow or a hat.

You can use the Hangover Queen Cold Compress Crown as a pillow or a hat. If you’re feeling tired and want to take a nap, just put it on your head and get some shut-eye. If you have a headache and need some relief, place the compress over your forehead and temples for 15 minutes at a time until the pain subsides (or passes out).


You can wet it in the shower and then freeze it for an even more refreshing feeling.

  • Wet it in the shower and then freeze it for an even more refreshing feeling.
  • Soak the compress in water and store it in a plastic zip-top bag to keep it from drying out.
  • You can also use this method with ice cubes or crushed ice instead of using water, which will make your cold compress last longer than if you just add water directly to the material itself.
  • Be sure not to leave your Hangover Queen Compress Crown out on a countertop for too
    long before use–it will start to melt!


If you have any of these symptoms, you should try the Hangover Queen Crown for relief!

If you’ve ever had a really bad hangover, you know how much it hurts to even think about moving. Your head is pounding and your eyes are swollen shut from crying over your ex-girlfriend who dumped you because she was too good for you anyway. You’re also pretty sure that someone has stuffed cotton balls up your nose and into your ears, because they feel like they’re full of them!

That’s why we created the Hangover Queen Crown: to provide relief from all these symptoms! The cold compress will help reduce swelling around the nasal area and open up those stuffed sinuses so that breathing becomes easier (and less painful). Plus, it looks super cute when paired with our other products like the “Hangover Queen” t-shirt or crowns made out of ice cubes (we recommend putting these in places where no one will accidentally knock them over).


The Hangover Queen Crown is a great way to treat your headache and hang over symptoms. It can also be used as a pillow or hat, which makes it even more convenient! If you have any of these symptoms, we recommend trying out our product today! It’s also available directly on Amazon!

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